We're all counting down the days - the Green Swamp is coming and the teams have been chosen! Morningside Flight Park proudly introduces...
Ilya Rivkin
as John 'Hannibal' Smith, team leader whose flight plans tend to be unorthodox but incredibly effective.
Crystal Wolfe
as Templeton 'Faceman' Peck, the smooth-talking con woman who serves as the team's appropriator of aircrafts and weapons. |
Max Kotchouro
as H.M. "Howlin' Mad" Murdock, veteran declared insane but can fly any kind of aircraft he touches with extreme precision. |
Mike Asel
as B.A. Baracus: the team's strong man, glider mechanic, and Sergeant First Class.
Dana Harris
as... the stunt dude
And on separate teams :
Nick Caci as Colonel Lynch, Commander of Fort Bragg from which the A-Team escaped, and who has been in constant pursuit of them.
Bill Gottling as Decker, the second Colonel who has also tried to catch the team unsuccessfully.
Bwuahaha! Now lets get out there and have some fun!
I love it when a plan comes together