Monday 18 June 2018

Taj MaHen - Complete

I wasn't able to go flying this weekend due to my duties of being on call for work. A lot got done this weekend- located my septic buried 5' down and nowhere near where the as-builts showed (thanks prior homeowners), trenched about 100 linear feet for new drainage around/under my house, removed an 80 year old red oak stump in my back yard, and finished the coop. FINALLY.
6 weeks. It's taken that long for me to complete this chicken coop, which is probably 5 weeks more than any sane person would've probably spent on it. But I'm meticulous, and I don't want my girls living in a slum.

The exterior is completed, including the eaves being boxed (not pictured). Aside from trimming the flappy tar paper on the roof, it's done.

They also have their new fortress pen so I can let them out to play with peace of mind.
The girls and I are happy. For different reasons I'm sure. They get to go outside and play, I get to not work on this freakin coop every single day after work anymore.

Hopefully the posts to follow will be less poultry and more pilot.

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